by Sarah-Jane Farrell | Aug 2, 2022 | Essential Oils, grief, grief and pet loss, Health, intuitive astrology, Recipes, soul contracts, trauma informed coaching
August has arrived with much anticipation of what the sacred 8:8 Lionsgate portal,the Leo constellation and the integrity of lionhearted leadership is bringing to our intuitive self-awareness, and multi dimensional listening heart space. In South Afican tradition...
by Sarah-Jane Farrell | Mar 27, 2022 | animal communications, animal guides, Cats, Dogs, general pet health, grief, grief and pet loss, Resources, unresolved grief
Mother’s day can bring up painful, unresolved grief and trauma for many who had a difficult childhood – any of the ACES apply including unavailable mother. If you prefer animals to people you probably have unresolved grief and trauma including...
by Sarah-Jane Farrell | Mar 12, 2022 | Love Notes, Resources, Uncategorized
How are anger and blame and war in your life, your body creating separation? Let’s stop perpetuating suffering in the world by loving, compassionately by using our words from a spiritually awakened heart. These 5 little words may help you to use your activism to...
by Sarah-Jane Farrell | Oct 2, 2021 | animal communications, Health, Resources, Uncategorized
The last love missive I sent out to you got such a mixed response from my tribe addressing the whole gamut of emotions from anger to judgement, to NO form, NO structure and NO significance – which if you have ever had a private session or attended one of my...
by Sarah-Jane Farrell | Oct 20, 2018 | animal communications, animal guides, Cats, Dogs, Health, Horses, Resources, soul contracts, the trust process, Uncategorized
How to recognize anxiety in your cat (and help them stay calm) If you are a cat lover you probably know when your cat is stressed and anxious. Just like humans, cats can get anxious, which can change their behavior massively and result in them being deeply unhappy in...