PITTA: The Fire + Water Type


Compatible with Kapha, Pitta-Kapha and Kapha-Pitta type people and other animals.

Pitta governs transformation of energy. It combines the qualities of Fire + Water. Animals and people in this dosha require food that is:


In Balance:                      Out of balance:

Co-operative                   Aggressive

Confident                         Excessive heat and thirst

Strong digestion             Irritable and angers quickly

Strong energy levels     Skin rashes, hot spots, itchy

Focused, keen                 Diarrhea, loose stool

Clever, intelligent          Weight loss

Pitta dosha is marked by being hot, sharp and moist. When Pitta is in balance, dogs are focused, attentive and purposeful. When out of balance, excess Pitta can create digestive disorders, rashes and other skin problems. Mental evidence of Pitta imbalance will show as aggression, intense behavior, jealousy or over-reactivity.

Animals especially dogs, cats and horses with a predominance of Pitta dosha usually have a more muscular or athletic build. They can require an above-average amount of exercise. Their purposeful demeanor and sharp mind are kept balanced by having “jobs.” They prefer cooler environments and their bodies run warm. Pittas have a fiery nature which manifests in both body and mind.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the Five Element Theory represents fundamental elements in nature. These natural forces are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. These five elements, or principles, are in constant motion and change. They are what constitute the universe. In Chinese medicine, the relationships between these elements, in particular an imbalance, are the basis for disease. The Five Elements principles can also be used to describe stages of life, directions, climates, seasons, and personality traits. Every individual is born with inherent personality traits that make each of us have a dominant element for our personality. Explore the Five Element personality characteristics below to see which you think best describes your dog or cat, or yourself. When treating clients human and animal I always determine the dominant Element of each client’s personality as part of my integrative approach for optimal health and wellness.

Fire Type

  • Easily excited, social, extroverted
  • Loves to be loved, likes to be center of attention
  • Difficult to calm down, hyperactive
  • Persuasive, inspirational
  • Exaggerates (more a human characteristic)
  • Strong body, small head, very bright and shiny eyes
  • Runs fast but only short distances
  • Predisposed to heart diseases, stroke, separation anxiety

Water Type

  • Introverted
  • Often timid and fearful
  • Likes to be alone
  • Fear biter
  • Quiet
  • Very consistent, but slow when doing tasks
  • Prefers warm, seeks heat
  • Thin body, large ears and eyes
  • Predisposed to urinary problems and back pain

Function of Pitta

  • Pitta controls transformation of the body and mind.
  • Pitta governs digestion, metabolism and energy production.

When Pitta dosha becomes imbalanced

  • Pitta imbalance can manifest in the BODY as digestive disorders, rashes and other skin problems and an excess of heat buildup.
  • Pitta imbalance can manifest in the MIND as aggression, jealousy, reactivity, hyperactivity or generally intense behavior.

BALANCING TIPS for Pitta dosha :: Favor cooling environments and food

  • Make time for swimming, water sprinklers and cool baths. Designate a cool place for him to rest.
  • Forgo rough-housing for non-aggressive and mentally stimulating play, like fetch.
  • Meditate together daily or simply set aside some peaceful time for the two of you.
  • The scents of sandalwood, mint, rose and lemongrass are typically enjoyable for Pitta dogs.
  • Cooling foods are ideal, like cucumber, apple, aloe vera or parsley.
  • Other nourishing foods for Pitta types:

Sprouted Mung Beans, Sprouted Chickpea, Sprouted Peas, Sprouted Lentils, Protein sourced from sprouts & pumpkin seed, Oats, Barley, Rice Bran, Flaxseed, Carrot, Celery, Spinach, Kale, Squash, Green Beans, Zucchini, Pumpkin, Parsley, Cilantro, Apple, Cranberries, Strawberries, Blueberries, Banana, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Alfalfa, Sunflower Kernels, Pumpkin Kernels, Coconut, Kelp, Neem, Ginger, Fennel, Turmeric, Mint, Indian Berry, Chebulic Myrobalan, Belliric Myrobalan and Coconut Oil


Tumeric and black pepper ( you must cook tumeric in  little coconut oil for it to release its healing properties and aid digestive fire) Monocalcium phosphate, Calcium carbonate, Taurine, Zinc oxide, Ferrous sulfate, Dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, Choline chloride, Selenium, Vitamin B12 supplement (methylcobalamin), Vitamin A-acetate


Healthy Treats – Peanut Butter and Turmeric Cookies

Ideal options for supporting Pitta:

Duck is cooling, plus sweet potatoes, navy beans, eggs are astringent.

Beef is neutral, plus barley and oats, potatoes, apples, green leafy vegetables and eggs.

Beef is neutral, sweet potato, pumpkin and honey.

Bone Broth:  Beef + Turmeric + Black pepper (Turmeric is cooling and anti-inflammatory)

Golden Tumeric Milk

Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine provides tools to help restore balance.

It’s based on the principle that we are all comprised of a combination of the five great elements; space, air, fire, water and earth. The ratio we possess of each element determines our predominant mind-body type or dosha. Every-body has all three doshas within them, yet each of us possesses a unique combination of these qualities. And just like us, dogs have doshas too. Also like us, their dosha(s) can become imbalanced and lead to many physical or mental/emotional disturbances.

What’s the big idea? To bring balance to the doshas, and the body/mind system overall. This is the path to the ideal state of equanimity or ultimate balance (“Sama”).

We all want the very best for our furry best friends. We all want them to live happy carefree lives without disease, injury or pain. Unfortunately, things never work out that way…

And when our animals do get sick or injured, most people believe the only choice is to go to the vet. Which means, now you have to pay the cost to see the vet, the cost of treatment and, if necessary, the surgery costs.

To make matters worse, many of the most expensive issues are due to poor diet and inadequate nutrition. Which means, most of them can be prevented!


What if there were ancient yet powerful techniques to prevent disease, heal injury, boost energy AND cut down on all those expensive trips to the vet…simply by using food?

It’s time I formally introduced you to the holistic teachings of Ancient Chinese medicine. These feeding philosophies can transform your pet’s life.

Most people don’t know this…

…But food therapy has been successfully used for over 3,500 years as a branch of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine.

Eastern Food Therapy uses food and food combinations to prevent disease, heal injuries, increase happiness and improve longevity in animals.

In fact, the #1 best way to help your pet live the long and healthy life (without breaking the bank) is to use their FOOD AS MEDICINE.

See what other TCVM veterinarians have to say about this course:

“I think eating for balance is important and mostly overlooked in allopathic medicine.” -Kris Dailey, DVM

“I believe you folks got it right. I like all the educational stuff you are putting out there. I am having fun reviewing the Modules and just reviewing what I do know!” -Suzanne Walski, DVM

“Interesting. Good approach, useful way to introduce people to the concepts.” Patty Ungar, DVM

Disclaimer: The information presented on this page and website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or behavioral advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health care provider with any questions you may have regarding your pet’s medical or behavioral condition/s.