The Low down on Whole Plant CBD oil and disease


THC Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the most common cannabinoid and is responsible for the “high” that a user feels when ingesting it. It is also an antioxidant and relieves pain, spasms, nausea and more.

CBD Cannabidiol or CBD is gaining popularity because, unlike THC, it is not psychoactive. In other words, the user does not get “high” from CBD. CBD offers benefits such as relief from pain, inflammation, or anxiety and reduces spasms, inhibits cancerous cell growth, stops seizures and more.

How CBD Works

The cannabis plant contains a number of different chemicals, including CBD, phytocannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids. Humans and other mammals have specific cannabinoid receptor sites. These sites are primarily in the brain and central nervous system, and in peripheral organs, especially immune cells. They make up what’s called the endocannabinoid system.

Studies show that many cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory effects, and can help with pain, tumors, seizures, muscle spasms, skin conditions, appetite stimulation, aggression, anxiety and neurological disorders

Epilepsy Dose

A study on epilepsy in rats (completed by the University of Utah, Turkanis et al. 1979) showed the anti-convulsant effects of CBD (0.3­ mg/kg). The study compared CBD to THC and two prescription anti-­convulsant drugs (Phenytoin and Ethosuximide). The study showed that CBD was the most effective “drug” tested for treating convulsions and after-discharge effects. Even at the lowest dose tested in the study, 0.3 mg/kg (this equals about 7mg for a 50lb dog), CBD showed dramatic results

Toxicity of Cannabis

I get asked this alot. It is VERY safe, and in veterinary practice I did see many dogs who had indavertently consumed excess amounts of THC. They were ‘staggery’, weak, and some were ill for 12 hours, but ALL recovered 100%

No organ affects, all were completely fine.

By comparison I saw many dogs/cats with serious organ dysfunction from NSAIDS (antiinflammatory pills).

Clearly if some ill informed pet owner gives their pet too much THC there will be side effects, but in virtually all cases this will pass, and their dog/cat will be completely fine. Not the case with many of the common conventional medications though. Kidney failure from Rimadyl is not reversible.

I Cannot Access Cannabis; What Should I Do?

If you live in an area that does not have safe and legal access to cannabis medication, there is still hope. There are products available that are CBD-only products. These products are made from hemp, which is legal anywhere in the world. While I believe using the whole-plant medicine is better than CBD alone, CBD-only products can have beneficial effects. Various hemp oil products are available on the market today, but the key when buying these products is to do research on them. Many of these products are grown from industrial hemp, which, if not tested, may contain heavy metals and other toxins. In addition, there are differences between hemp oil and CBD oil.

Be sure you’re purchasing a product that does contain CBD.

Starting Doses of CBD

For pain/arthritis, start with a low dose of .1mg -.2mg of CBD/10lbs daily.

This can be increased to twice daily, then the dose can be increased to help with symptoms ( ie give adequate pain relief)

So for instance a 50lb dog would start with .5-1mg of CBD once to twice daily.


If you are treating seizures, then a minimum higher dose of 1.5mg/10lbs

The 50lb dog would need 7mg of CBD/day.


For cancer the doses vary, and many of the alternative veterinarians suggest it to be given in combination with THC in a 1:1 ratio.

I would be starting at the lower dose (.1mg/10lbs twice daily), then increasing it as my pet adjusted to it.


I do not diagnose or prescribe, I ask the being – yes you or your dog, cat, horse or other beloved

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