The change of seasons always requires a change in dietary needs as well as in activity and movement for yourself or your beloved animal companions.
No matter what your pets primary dosha type is, wether you are going in to Vata governed autumn, early winter, the full heat of summer – Pitta or moving into Kapha, late winter/ spring any transitional period demands we look at what our bodies and our pets require.
Today I want to share how you can make the change of seasons from fall to Winter,easier on all bodies human or animal.
In the northern hemisphere, the leaves are turning brilliant hues of oranges and yellows as the trees bring their vital energy down into the roots and the dog days of summer are behind you, this past weekend marked the Fall Equinox. You are entering a season of balance, harvest and bounties, which is a perfect time to create more balanced energy in your space. Let’s clear the clutter — both around our homes and energetically — so that we may enter the upcoming holiday season light, merry, and with lots of room to receive new energies and gifts.
Below are some tips, ideas, and resources to help call more harmony into home and gain clarity on new ways to care for and bond with your animal companions.
Sending you and your furry friends hugs and wishes for a beautiful Fall season or
for the of you who like me are welcoming in the stillness and heat of summer.
Trust you are enough for your animal friends and that there is a time and season for everything.
Take some time out to let go of the old and clear your clutter to make space for the new energies. Open your windows and let the wind blow away stagnant energies, clean your animals adding and give them an extra boost with a daily dose of coconut oil. Forage for the new blooms of dandelion and nettle to add to your pets diet to support healthy brains and a healthy liver no matter what season you are in.
Check expiration dates and safely discard treats, medications, and dental or grooming products that are no longer valid. Bacteria can form on your dog’s toys over time, so set a goal of cleaning and sanitizing them regularly in your dishwasher or microwave using all natural products.
Equally as important as clearing out physical clutter is clearing out energetic debris that can accumulate in our home that we can bring into our space from the outside world. Visualize your space filled with love, peace, calm, relaxation, and bliss to help set a mood in which your pup wants to luxuriate. Opening windows 15 minutes per day, strategically placing crystals, or even clapping can help keep the energies in your home light and flowing. Clear the energies in your home regularly, or enlist the help of a virtual Intuitive Space Clearing Specialist, like myself to clear any unwelcome entities on a psycho spiritual level as well.
Unlike material things, new experiences never result in clutter. Whether it’s teaching your pup new tricks on a regular basis, inviting your pup to join you running errands in new dog-friendly environments like the Farmer’s Market, restaurants that welcome pets or taking your pup on daytrips to hike with you, or joining a doggie yoga class, do something new and exciting with your pup to keep him/her stimulated, curious, and spritely.
September 30th
Doga Flow yoga and meditation
Group Doga Classes are a great way to provide respite from mental stimulation, bond with your furry friend, pause for the Nah-mutt-stay and teach them how to find peace and calm. Register here if you are interested in my small group classes being held at Riverclub park in Riverclub, Sandton. Pause for the OM doga sessions happen every Sunday right here at only R100. With only up to 10 dogs per group space is limited, so retrieve your spot today.
OCTOBER 13-14th
The Trust process live workshop with the herd
This will be the last session offered this year. Join us during this 7 week online course to learn how working with chakras can actually help shift your animal companion’s behavior, and how your pet’s behaviors can provide clues to bigger energetic patterns in your life. Each week we will be leveraging the energy of a different chakra and its resonance via your pet’s behavior, numerology, sacred geometry, classic archetypes, animal totems, and crystals. Click here for more information.
The Animal Wellness Summit Season 2
December 20-21st (TBC)
Being Human through Animals – Animal Communication and Trust process 2 day intensive workshop
Investment cost: $497
I will be in Wellington, Florida, USA over the Christmas holidays and am offering a combination of the foundational Animal Communication basics along with the Core principles of the Trust Process with horses and dogs to support you in gaining the confidence to talk to your animals and help them heal with hands on. off body processes for you to use.
If you are interested in booking your spot, please send me an email and I will send you all the details and pre study work to ensure you get the most out of our time together.
I will also be offering private in person sessions whilst I am there !
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Have a question or want guidance on a particular issue?
Do you want to better understand how to keep your animal companion healthy and happy or know more about the benefits of knowing your friend’s constitutional type? Go ahead and schedule a 30-minute skype call with Sarah-Jane to get individualised feedback, recommendations, referrals or general guidance from an East meets West, holistic perspective.
You’ll come away with at least 3 useful tips to help you resolve any concerns you have.