The Best Howliday dinners for your dogs

With Thanksgiving around the corner and all the extra special holiday foods (and left overs) you will have in your home, keep your stress levels down (and your dog’s belly bloat) by ensuring your dogs don’t get sick from too much rich or inappropriate.

I know how hard it is to not give in to those ,manipulate puppy eyes just begging for a treat so let you dog buddies know, they certainly will get their fair share of deliciousness.

The Do’s and don’ts of holiday food for your dog

In this video I wanted to share with you the good, the bad and the definite off limits foods over the howling good happy season to ensure your dog feels satisfied and you don’t find yourself sitting at an emergency room waiting to get your dog’s stomach pumped because he ate that bar of chocolate or stole the turkey stuffing filled with raisins that are so toxic for them.

Train your guests

Be sure if you are having guests around for celebratory dinner that they know you don’t want them feeding your pup any treats off their plates. that way everyone knows where they stand and can enjoy the occasion.

We tend to think of our pets as the ones who need training, but human guests may be more in need of it. Not everyone is pet-savvy. Alert arrivals to house rules regarding pets: don’t let them run out the door, always close the gate fully, don’t leave food or drink within reach, don’t offer food from the table, or whatever other standards apply in your home.

Guests who are completely unfamiliar with dogs or cats may be uncomfortable around them or unsure of how to interact with them. Show them how your pet likes to be touched—or let them know if she doesn’t—advise them not to stare, remind them to watch where they step, and alert them to foods that are toxic to pets, such as chocolate, grapes, cooked bones, or anything containing the sugar substitute xylitol. Be sure they know that rich, fatty foods such as gravy and stuffing can be a recipe for life-threatening pancreatitis.

Ask if wrapped gifts contain food. Put food gifts you don’t want your pet to “unwrap” behind closed doors, not under the tree.

Safety First

Safety matters, but an equally important way to keep holidays happy and pet-friendly is to maintain a normal schedule as much as possible, especially when it comes to mealtimes, walks, and playtime. You may be busy, but your pet isn’t. Spend a few minutes one-on-one with her every day. She’ll appreciate the attention, and you’ll benefit from the downtime as well.

Also give them an out if all the noisy and excitement gets too much for them that they can find a quiet spot to relax undisturbed.

And now, I want to know what are your dog’s favorite healthy holiday treats that has him barking for more?


If you liked this post, be sure to check out this one on how to keep your cats (and dogs) cool during periods of intense heat.