Last time I sent you a love note I asked you if you have been wondering with me

“where to from here?”.

As the UK begins to ease on lockdown and open things up some simple luxuries again like hair dressing and schools,

(sending so much love and salutations to all you amazing women with dark roots,

hairy legs and frayed edges who have been doing your best

juggling all the spaces you have had to exert extra energy – thank you !!)

I have been sensing a lot of unspoken apprehension for some time now about

how we find our way on these unfamiliar dark roads into the future.

What and how this very visible separation, mass vaccines, loss of income, death and old way

of being in and of the world will continue to shape us as a global village and personally in the

enquiry of

where did I go?


“what have I become?

Some days I find myself all consumed in the enormity of what work is required of me and

the collapsing of time too much to bear and other now moments bring me close to an almost out of body,

nothing ness state of atrophy or stasis that move from peace and calm to terrifying in one breath cycle.

Divine Grace brings me back to myself every time in the paradoxical nature of BOTH AND

….. wholism in its true state of inter connectedness.

Time has gone on and I am neither stronger nor wiser than I was, its a peculiar state

and I feel stranger than before in these strange days.

Anyhow, I digress again (don’t you find those intuitive edges that bring you into

your zone of genius are becoming so much more seamless?)

more on that co creative magic coming…..

I disappeared off the public stage last year, (thank you for those of you who reached out and

asked if I was still alive – your concern and love meant a lot).

2019-2020 was a time of big moves physically and mentally – for my own personal introspection

and healing from adrenal burnout and grieving many deaths of what was no longer in my life

…. the grief continues in the blessons 🙂

Whilst I continued to serve my private clients,I declined taking part in any online summits as

I know how noisy and overwhelmed with information we all were.

I also know that when we find ourselves in survival mode it is near impossible to learn and create.

You’ve also had a ton of “content” rammed your way these last months with just about every presenter

tricked out in the latest broadcasting trinketry. That’s done something to expectations, mine included……

People have grown deeply unsure of the idea of ‘another person’,

someone not in their bubble, and so being “out there” isn’t very compelling.

Me, I’m somewhere in between. I’m keen, but there’s nothing to go back to.

It might be gone for good.

It’s hard to know.

In honoring of your tender, fragile and over extended bits (and my own energy management)

I am curious to know if you may, like me feel ready ………

to integrate what we as a global village have and continue to move through,

heal and accelerate your spiritual evolution now?

My Soul prayer has been a daily one of asking

Where to from here? 

Use me and my intuitive gifts in highest service as only you know how to co create a new hu/manity.

So if that resonates with you and if you like most people may be asking how?

…..when you are suffering from crazy symptoms, situations, compassion fatigue financial strain

and emotional swings right now,

come wonder with me in my wonderings and Soul prayers next Thursday with Amanda Hopkins

and the Academy for the Soul tribe.

I know you already know that if you are here in this now moment,

you know your Soul agreed to be here now to contribute to raising the human consciousness

and heal the fractures and psychic woundings we took on from our ancestors to transmute and make whole now.

You know that anything not aligned with your highest Soul expression

is being pushed to the surface to be healed but it can be intense!

In this conversation – I wonder what we can do together?

– it is my intention to offer you up some strong, somewhat uncomfortable medicine and truth telling

so that together we can do the hard things our ego would rather resist

and that our Soul design knows to be alchemical.

You are not the lead nor the gold – you are the magic wizard ready to share your divinity

and gifts because you know that is your responsibility.

Please join me here and bring your concerns, your questions and your magic to the call:…

Healing from the Higher Realms ‘Holistic Health Fair’ Series (5 Week Telesummit)

is the perfect place to gather online for access to the most Heart centered Intuitives,

Healers & Conscious Souls dedicated to activating wellness within you.

Now doesn’t that sound good?
Join us here:…

There is nothing to hide and nothing to lose.

We are not diminished by our proximity to incompleteness, our inclination of impermanence, our tendency to die.

Let’s continue this strange experiment

and keep being

HEART led.

I LOVE you


PS: I honor you on your journey

I see you

Stranger days for more strangeness await

I will meet you there in the wondering