PS: It’s hard,to know where to even start living in alignment with your truth. You can’t see it when you are drowining in the propaganda and the fear programs. That is why we need eyes on us, to help us get out of our own way and hold us accountable. Let me be your fierce guide to help you remove obstacles and manifest an abundant, service driven, heartled life – body, business, relationships, kids – all of it! Together let’s change your destructive habits and get a plan in place that you can apply consistently to get you where you want to be, feeling the way you want to feel.Book a 90 minute private “lifeline session” and get my eyes in the business of your life for only $175.

You may want to work the Going With the Flow through the Compass Directions self paced program which includes the Shadow Dancing 2 part masterclass – How to turn trauma into truthtelling. Not only will you begin to shift your faulty belief systems and habits including self sabotage but you will stop projecting your hurt and expecting people and situations to be what they aren’t and take responsibility for your life. If you want more love and healthy boundaries, open heart centred communications and more then thisis for you at only $111. You can take a look at everything I have included here in my attempt to be useful to you for a very small investment.

Dearest first_name,

How are you really?

I want you to know that if you have been feeling like you have been living inside out,wondering when your tender nervous system will find a moment to just feel calm, peace and present to the beauty around you, I am so sorry you feel like this and it is possible.

Many of you have described these past months of living with the plague as beyond overwhelming, anxiety-provoking, exhausting……like you have been drowning in deep water unable to catch your breath or appreciate the simplest of moments. If you have been turned inside out,a quick ways to calm your anxious brain is to take a break from all the fear-mongering and despair bombarding your system on mainstream media. I just emerged out of a self-induced silent retreat, ten days shut away from the outside world – just myself and the company of a sweet dog called Popette. I pushed pause on the outside world and intentionally called all my energy back into my physcal body and grounded it into Mother Earth, into the earth star chakra, into the roots again and again and again.

Start by getting really clear on the difference between avoidant attachment and avoidant anxiety here.

I used the “energy pulls” like this one to come back to myself, I meditated to heal from this separation sickness, I used breath work and I followed my body’s impulse to rest, to move, to stay safely embodied by orienting to the room I was sitting in to come back to myself, to listen from the inside not the outside.

I was competely unaware of what was happening in the global arena, consciously that is. My body knew exactly what was going on, it ached with a sense of foreboding, I could not sleep,it felt like spiritual warfare where I was travelling into some really dark dimensions.It was exhausting. With the support of my Earth angels, the madness quietened down somewhat and I could breath again.

As empaths and highly sensitive intuitive beings yourself you may be experiencing similar disruptions to your energy systems,because you are picking up the discordant unrest in the collective consciousness.

Think about it like this, The Universe, God, the Divine is sending us reminder after reminder after reminder to see the trut in the darkness that we have created for ourselves.

Prayers aren’t enough……..Collective trauma wounds are triggering us all to “Do better” and with wake up calls come death which in a death phobic society is not welcomed. Each one of us could die today or live to be 98 and like living, death is not something that happens to us, it is something we do.None of us are getting out of ‘this” alive, death is part of the process and it is going to happen.The question is are you even living? It seems the more things change the more we stay the same.

And only you know what living well is going to look like for you. Nothing will change until we change.

Until we each take personal responsibility for what is going on out there and aknowledge where we are staying in the dark on the inside and feeding the great separation sickness nothing is going to change. Our society has become a game of looking at symptons yet never looking to root cause. A vaccine won’t change things the way you think it’s going to change, the next hack, the new marketing strategy or the latest diet or quick fix solves nothing. It’s all avoidance of the one thing that really matters which is us doing the work required to protect and provide and  produce inside of our dominion.

Those in power, the politicians, those who feed the dark ways are convincing the collective which includes all of us whether we are awake to the calls or sleeping, to be at war over race, to be at war over masks, to be at war over vaccines, to hate each other because of any topic under the sun all which have become a devisive game of separation. Side note: did you know that all genocie begis with the dismantling and the placing of war inside of a group of people, where you begin to pick an “us against them” that divides a group of people to see each other as an enemy? If you saw the movie Avatar (an attempt by the enlightened to wake us up), or look at the history of humankind, it is everywhere –  live from fear of what you don’t know and kill anything and anyone who is different from you.

 So much duality and conflict embedded in our humanness.So much separation. My heart breaks again and again.

Ironic that August is proclaimed PEACE month an there is more separation that ever. How can we be asked to remember those who died in WW1& 11 when we have forgotten our humanity, our empathy???  The climate is collapsing not changing.And everywhere around the world the earth is shaking – fires, floods, riots, Starvation,Drought ,Refugees,Genocide,sex trafficking, Disaster after disaster – and now attention on Afghanistan to look at the war and darkness inside of our minds.

So how do we remember Peace when we collectively don’t know what that feels like on the inside ?

When will we ever learn from our mistakes??

I wonder not what else is possible but what we have become?? It seems a plague is not enough to wake us up. When our eyes are closed and we are numb and sedated we cannnot hear the truth and we put ourselves into slavery in our sedation.As global citizens how do we create a sustainable future for all of us human and non human when our communities, our families, our values are falling apart because of this war between the dark and the light. Please don’t ignore the dysfunction inside your own heart. Don’t be the victim who feels entitled to massive results in your business while sitting on the couch binge watching netflix or the victim employee waiting for a government handout or the person who doesn’t take care of your body and eats ujunk foord.You know you can do better.We can do better.

I don’t have the answers but I know without a doubt that the only way forward is to transform our minds and change the devisive habits we have each set in motion. Transformation is hard because it requires you to allow God, Divine, Universe back into your life, to take responsibility for your life across body, being, balance and the way you co create business and resources.Figuring out the purpose of your life is the only way forward. We need to go holographic and get really clear on who do you serve? The light or the dark?

Remember where you came from, come back to your heart, to your inter connectedness with nature, your belonging to the Divine, to God, The Universe and get really practical and clear about what you long for. Speak your truth as a sovereign being – be your own authority.

Together you and I can start living inside our hearts – that is re/spons/ibility and it is the best way to be useful and live well.Please don’t be paralysed by a false sense of comfort, the darkness will always be here and there is more comig. It is affecting all of us, so my question is what do you need to do to take care of yourself and your life, your money flows, your relationships? Have the courage to listen and do what you need to do whether you are terrified, uncertain or confused.

I hope your stay, that you bring your voice to this conversation and aboveall do the deep, uncomfortable work beginning by remembering who you are and what you came here to do.You can do this, the question is are you willing to surrender, to put your life on the line and let everything else die?

I love you,


PS: It’s hard,to know where to even start living in alignment with your truth. You can’t see it when you are drowining in the propaganda and the fear programs. That is why we need eyes on us, to help us get out of our own way and hold us accountable. Let me be your fierce guide to help you remove obstacles and manifest an abundant, service driven, heartled life – body, business, relationships, kids – all of it! Together let’s change your destructive habits and get a plan in place that you can apply consistently to get you where you want to be, feeling the way you want to feel.Book a 90 minute private “lifeline session” and get my eyes in the business of your life for only $175.

You may want to work the Going With the Flow through the Compass Directions self paced program which includes the Shadow Dancing 2 part masterclass – How to turn trauma into truthtelling. Not only will you begin to shift your faulty belief systems and habits including self sabotage but you will stop projecting your hurt and expecting people and situations to be what they aren’t and take responsibility for your life. If you want more love and healthy boundaries, open heart centred communications and more then thisis for you at only $111. You can take a look at everything I have included here in my attempt to be useful to you for a very small investment.

When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.” — CHIEF SEATTLE, DUWAMISH

Here are some of the things participants of this program have said:

“We learn how to stand in our power”
 I was deeply touched by Sarah-Jane’s remarkable stories and how the lessons she learned apply to all of us as we learn how to stand in our power and go with the flow of life rather than against it. I am already seeing huge shifts in my marriage by applying the tools in a loving way and stop projecting my hurt and fears on my partner by taking full responsibility for my feelings.
— Nikki Williams

“Bring us into connection with our inner wise woman…”
For the first time in years I wake up excited about my life and playing more instead of always feeling like I have to be serious and responsible. Somethiing has changed as I trust the season and direction I am in every given moment and how much I have missed my connection with nature, always she reminds me I have what I need to create abundance. If you have ever doubted yourself or why you are here, this program will remind you just how deeply connected you are and that your work matters

– Lorraine  Burne

“Brings us jewels of wisdom from the world’s most ancient spiritual path”
I am no longer afraid to ask for what I want and need or hang on to the old stories about who I thought I was. Life changing is an understatement. Sarah-Jane made the whole process of remembering who I was beyond my attachment to my fears ( I was afraid of everything including my own shadow) so easy in her free style form of learning and easy to apply exercises. It has been such a joy to reconnect with my playfulness and my inner wild woman.
— Mandy Barry Muller