After a lifetime of personal grief and working with pet lovers and their animals. as well as the wild animals for over twenty years, I am thrilled to finally get this comprehensive guidebook into your hands to help heal your tender hearts and trust that your pets are always with you even though they are no longer with you in the physical. In this book I share what they want you to know including always talking to and about them in the present tense.

You can purchase your copy or gift one to a loved one you know is grieving by going here:

You can listen to what your pet wants you to know about their Soul contracts and the lessons they came here to teach you here

Even though you know that your pet will likely die before you, losing them is a life-shattering event that will change you forever. Through stories, meditations, practical tips, tools, and mindfulness-based practices, Until We Meet Again is the complete guidebook for grieving animal lovers, those who love them, and anyone who is struggling to find peace after unspeakable losses. 

” Discovering how animals feel about death, euthanasia, reincarnation and how I can connect with my pets in spirit “until we meet again” has been so comforting. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is grieving.”

Grief is not a problem to be solved but a space that needs to be witnessed. It is a natural and sane response to loss and while you will miss them terribly, they never really leave you.

Challenging conventional wisdom on grief, world-renown Animal Communicator, pet psychic, grief and dying expert Sarah-Jane Farrell offers a new comprehensive guide for animal lovers experiencing pet loss in a death phobic culture that doesn’t understand the intense heartbreak and pain.

“Knowing my pet is coming back, made my grief bearable when I had to say goodbye.”

“The deep insights about the unspoken truths of pet loss, grief, love and healing in this book has been my saving grace when I was grief-stricken with multiple pet losses.”  

Animal companions often fill some part of us that has never known love. They share our most intimate, vulnerable moments, our fears and desires. Instead of offering platitudes that bring no comfort, Until We Meet Again will help you heal, ask for what you need and how to communicate with your pet in Spirit.

Our pets have a special space in our hearts. When they’re gone from sight, the loss can be profoundly devastating, the grief unbearable. There is life after loss. By the end of this book, you will remember your pet with more love than pain until you meet again in the afterlife.

If you have asked your pet : 

How will I know when it’s time? Do you know how much I love you? What happens when you die? Will you come back? 

Until We Meet Again offers insights, tools and stories that will guide, comfort and support you through sudden death, euthanasia, transitions, death and the many types of grief you will experience. You will understand that grief is not about “getting over” a loss; it’s about accepting that the loss happened and being able to move forward in your own life.  


  • Not let what happened to them at the end of their lives define who they were, what they meant to you and how much they love you.
  • Use ritual and ceremony to honor, celebrate and connect with your pet in spirit.  
  • Support them in their final days, make impossible decisions and heal from overwhelming guilt, anger and grief.  
  • Use heart-lifting prompts, mantras, meditations and action steps to guide you through your grief and connect across the rainbow bridge. 
  • Let go of unrealistic ideas about what grief should look like so that you can connect with your Soul’s calling. 
  • Help children understand death, manage big emotions, anxiety, insomnia and stress without trying to “fix” pain. 
  • Support those grieving including living pets with practical tools and suggestions. 
  • Recognise signs and messages from them in the afterlife along with the help of animal spirit guides, animal totems and angels.   

Grief touches us all because the truth is that everything we love we will lose including our own demise.

This book is a must for pet lovers, those who love them, professionals and anyone who mourns the ongoing destruction of the planet.

“There is no goodbye friend – I learnt so much about myself and my Soul Pets.” 

I hope you find this book helpful. If you would lke to read a free chapter on how to help someone who is grieiving or are heartbroken and upset becaise someone who loves you doesn’t know how to help you, send them this chapter. You will also receive printable care cards and tender hearted invitations you can give out or wear when you don’t have the words to explain why you aren’t yourself & what you need.

If you would like a copy of this comprehensive guidebook for yourself or to gift to an animal lover in your life or anyone who is mourning the ongoing destruction of the planet,thank you.Please consider leaving me a kind review here: 

when you read this chapter from the book.


Click “FOLLOW” here to be notified when I release the children’s grief book “The Golden Cord” and the “Memorial & Healing Journal for Tender Hearts” and purchase Until We Meet Again here


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Where ever you find yourself right now, keep your heart open and your eyes open to see the beauty and wonder alongside your grief.