SO. MUCH. CHAOS. Highs. Lows. WTF’s just happened moments. Every single day. And now we’re on the brink of war.
This is all so much.
My thoughts are with the people and animals of Ukraine, deeply. This is horrific, and I’m so sorry this is happening.
I also know that we are deeply affected by it – triggered by our own unresolved grief and our deep intergenerational
and collective trauma wounds begging to be grieved and moved and transformed
because we are doing our own personal work in the shadowland.
That’s why I also am so honored to have taken the first group of brave people through Ubuntu, Grief Doulas for Life transitions
If you are interested in joining me live just let me know below and I will add you to the waitlist.
If you have heard me speak before about Richard Rudd’s work with the Gene Keys it comes as no surprise that
on the 24th the invasion started in Ukraine, the Sun has entered Gate 37, in the I-Ching – PEACE AND HARMONY
of coming together in community without division – that everyone thrives.
So right now the struggle and liberation is showing us to look at the contrasts through war and isolation
the reason for this gate to assist us by working with the shadow of weakness( think the survival of the fittest)
and exhaustion so that we can receive the gift of equality, that we come home to the collective heart of the village and
heal what I call “the great separation sickness”.
the siddhi of unity consciousness that is heart-led – tenderness, empathy, love.
“the more you give, the more you will receive”
which is called the Gate of Community, but also can be called Peace and Harmony. Where is the peace? Where is the harmony?
We asked, dare I say hoped, prayed when 2022, the age of Aquarius rolled in and then the 22:2:22 portal of the divine feminine,
all things love, collaboration would arrive and give us some respite (ok maybe there was some begging involved).
Just a time out so we could catch our breath, digest, regroup…….
but nooooo – because first things have to be destroyed, leveled, deconstructed and we are in the eye of a storm,
the dark descent I keep going on about where the medicine is strong and bitter and requires more than one single dose.
But you already know that because I keep reminding you to find the gifts in the shadows, through conflict we learn and so
we must practice to put down your sword and return non-love, non-peace with love and peace,
to apprentice with death and grief – be reduced to the ashes.
This is the holy ground and it cannot be rushed.
We are in the season of death and decay.
It’s hard to hear, let alone digest the grief of the last 2 years because
every other week there’s a new variant of the plague threatening to smite us
and everyone is acting like the world isn’t in complete shambles.
Our plates are full, we are scalped, and we’ve reached full capacity of bullshit to add to our agendas.
We are standing in unchartered territory –
BEGGING for peace and a release on our sharp edges.
We all deserve to rest.
My grey hairs are replicating by the day.
The struggle is real and I’m not just tired, I’m wired.
At this point, we’re all hanging on for dear life,
BEGGING for peace and a release on our sharp edges.
Every day brings a new level of dis-ease. Looking at what’s playing out right now, we really do need a psychic lobotomy.
If we’re so smart, why do we as a species not learn from our mistakes, our history?
Why do we continue to destroy each other and everything we touch?
Why can’t we find decency? What happened to our moral compass? Our integrity?
Our stewardship as caretakers, not destroyers of all life on this planet we call home?
This is why I am so committed to play an active role, to be useful -to do my best to not
do more harm although at times I would prefer to be a spectator rather than a participant
taking the easy, self-centred path. because it requires going against the status quo so that
we’re able to forge a new way – to do better.
and it’s a lonely journey at times.
When we have been programmed to believe
-“do or die” instead of live well so we may die well
– “sink or swim” instead of float
– “survival of the fittest” aka competition rather than collaboration that we all thrive
and through empathy, trust and mutual regard for what we each bring to one another,
The spirit of Ubuntu – BElonging. A coming together in co-creation in a way that honours
the implications of what it means to be a relational human being,
with an innate longing to love and be loved and to participate with one another in the living
reality of the sacred world. There is wonderful healing to be found in a conflict that will transform into peace.
That is why I feel like we all need to be obligated to our fellow sentient beings,
in finding ways to make this world better than we found it.
How I do it is through using my heart to shape the words I am spelling
– the alchemical process to make an impact.
How YOU do it will be different.
How do we breathe in this air, and make sure that BECAUSE we are here, someone’s life is better?
How do we live a life of purpose, not destruction?
There is so much destruction. Today (and a lot of days) feels heavy.
But let us not lose hope in the cruelty and the turmoil, because hope is what keeps us standing,
in the midst of chaos. When Pandora’s Box was opened, the power of choice, faith and hope remained.
Reminding us of our humanity and humility.
Stay heart centred. Be purposeful. Continue to be a GOOD global citizen.
Practice the power of holotropic breathwork – find all the details of my guided self paced program Breathefully here.
If you need to take a break from the fear-mongering news, give yourself that grace.
Change the things you can ‘control”. Make small Holy shifts.
Take a breath in giving gratitude for what dies and on the out-breath what lives in the mutual exchange of every breath.
Put down your sword and allow the karmic wounds to be tended to by your community.
Allow yourself to float, to be held within your Soul family with love and kindness so that you may rest well
and fill yourself up so that you can do the work you came here to do in the world.
I send you love.
Yours always
PS: If you are ready (or not and need me to be that certainty for you) why not book a private session with me to get you into alignment
with your purpose or some much needed TLC for your pets?
Only a few days left to grab some 1:1 time with me for the special offer price of only $222.
P.P.S: Apprenticing with Grief is the missing element in getting the health, relationships and abundance you have been looking for.
This book will help you and your loved ones and is so much bigger than just for animal lovers and pet loss.
If you already have a copy PLEASE be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon so more people can find peace.
The kids book on grief and pet loss is FREE until the end of the month here – again a review would be most appreciated!