Every day, I work with people who are concerned about their animals health, skin irritations, wounds that don’t heal. strange mood swings and aggression. One of the first things I always ask is: WHAT ARE YOU FEEDING THEM? Human or non-human all disease starts in the gut including depression and anxiety.

In an old John Travolta movie called, Phenomena he picked up an apple and showed it to two children.  “If I throw this apple on the ground it will rot.  If I eat the apple, it becomes part of me.”  That is what I want to talk about today.

Have you ever had a conversation with your veterinarian about your pet’s nutrition? I bet it wasn’t long, or informative.  Most veterinarians are not very interested in pet nutrition.  Twenty years ago, that was me too.

Like most veterinarians, my education is NOT a phD in veterinary medicine, rather in alternative health and animal communication, the Trust Process and bodywork to heal from trauma because whether you are human or animal trauma is trauma. It’s integrative health with root cause resolution!

A lot of vets judge me as too woo, but the results speak for themselves.

Most veterinarians don’t really care about nutrition unless they are endorsing products. Their education, training and experience has made them problem solvers who try to solve the problem as quickly as possible.  They love getting the phone call in a few days that informs us the pet is back to normal.  They pat themselves on the back and move on to the next problem, or pet.  Preventative measures like proper nutrition are like reading the phone book.

Do wolves eat kibble day in and day out? No! They pretty much gobble up the carcass no matter how old they are.  And you know what?  The genetic makeup of your dog’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract is exactly the same as the wolf.

Let’s start with the basics.  When I give talks the first thing I ask is, “Imagine what your health would be like if all you ate was processed, refined food.”  That’s when they start shaking their heads.  Client after client that tells me how much time and effort they put into feeding themselves a healthy, wholesome diet and never consider that the same holds true for their pet.

Feed your pet a balanced diet using wholesome, non-processed, and preferably raw food.  Research has indicated that heat-processed pet food is most likely the underlying cause for most chronic illness in dogs and cats.  Diseases like allergies, arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease, immune-meditated disease and cancer have all been linked to feeding these diets.

 Then, why are veterinarians still recommending these diets?

They don’t know better.

I credit holistic vets like Johannesurg Dr Gary Eckersly  and Dr Dennis Thomas in the USA for always putting your animals needs first and not having the best “bedside manners” – truth tellers are often fierce in their medicine to serve above and beyond!

When I hear a client tell me that handling raw food is dangerous, I ask them if they handle raw meat for themselves? You bet. Feeding raw meat to the pet is pretty much the same: clean counter-top, clean the utensils, clean the pet bowls after they eat and wash your hands.

Then there is the conditioned response, “But then my dog will eat the meat raw!”  Yep, Just like the wolf.  The dog’s stomach is made for this.  Its high acid content will kill most bacteria in the raw diet.  Some vets will tell clients that raw food shouldn’t be fed to old or immune-compromised pets.  The irony here is that the immune system was mostly compromised from poor gut function caused by improper diet.

Do you know of this miracle supplement I spoke of the other day called Fulvic Acid?

Everything is energy, and food is no exception.  When you pluck a ripe, organic apple off a tree (like in my Travolta quote) and eat it, you not only gain the healthy nutrients from the apple, but you acquire its vital essence as well.  The apple’s energetic makeup becomes part of you, affecting your health.

Anything that affects the vital energy of a food component in a negative way will negatively affect your health if you eat it.  The negative vital energy will compromise your energetic makeup and stay with you.  If it continues, over and over, the harmful negative energy will contribute to physical disease in your body.

Energy has its own consistent laws.  If you prepare food and you are in a negative state of mind then that emotional energy will become a component of the food that you fix.  Do you remember how good the food was that your Mom made for you?  If your Mom’s state of mind was one of gratitude for the opportunity to fix your food, it enhanced the quality of the food and you were aware of that manifesting itself.

Keep this in mind when feeding your pet.  As an empowered caretaker, you want to provide a healthy diet that will allow your pet to thrive and prepare it for your pet in a state of mind that reflects your gratitude for your pet being in your life.  You might even throw in a little focused intention and bless the food as you serve it by saying “I bless this food for the perfect health and well-being for my beloved pet.”

Your pet will reflect that intent.

What about you?

Have you switched to a more holistic diet? How did your pet respond? What is holding you back? I would love to hear from you.

Also, besides an unhealthy kibble diet, if you have a smelly dog use this instead of off the shelf not so good for your animal remedies like this. Here’s what you need to know.

 Most dogs with a strong odour have an underlying overgrowth of yeast or bacteria on their skin.  Usually this is secondary to an allergy. Yeast can be hard to eliminate.

Although one kitchen ingredient works especially well: Apple Cider Vinegar.

3/4 of a cup of water
2 tablespoons of Castile Soap
2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar
10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
The Castile Soap is an all natural, concentrated oil based soap that you can get from any Natural Health Store. It is a great base for any soap/cleaning product etc.. It is made from Olive Oil/Hemp Oil/Coconut Oil. I am now using it in my own Homemade Natural Cleaning Spray as well. The Apple Cider Vinegar is very effective for killing the Yeast and common skin bacteria (Staph), that produce the odour. The Lavender Essential Oil is also effective at killing yeast, bacteria, AND producing a wonderful smell. Mix it all together, and then after you soak your dog, fully lather him/her, focusing on the skin folds which ‘hide’ the yeast As soon as you add the Apple Cider Vinegar it turns all white; completely normal.
Here’s the BIG point.
It MUST be left on for 10 minutes to be effective ( as bathing your dog with ANY therapeutic shampoo). I left in on a for a full 10 minutes with Pearl and 2 weeks later she is smelling like Lavender.
I would love to know some of your favorite natural remedies and raw food treats you lovingly prepare for your animals so I can add them to my updated version of my book and also who you recommend as an amazing animal doctor or healer the world needs to hear about.

Much love and to your healthy happy, fulfilled life with animals.

Sarah-Jane xoxo