by Nix@adm1n | Jan 12, 2018 | Health
Fulvic acid – The missing element in your health and your pets! If you care about your longevity and health or that of your pets you may want to know what FULVIC acid is. With all the overuse of hand sanitizes and cleaning chemicals along with deficient soil we don’t...
by Nix@adm1n | Jan 5, 2018 | Health, Recipes
Every day, I work with people who are concerned about their animals health, skin irritations, wounds that don’t heal. strange mood swings and aggression. One of the first things I always ask is: WHAT ARE YOU FEEDING THEM? Human or non-human all disease starts in the...
by Nix@adm1n | Jan 5, 2018 | Love Notes
I wanted to write this love note to you on Saturday and wish you joy and warm, optimistic ways to move into October, a 1 energy in a 1 year – new beginnings and to make it matter. I just could not do it, it felt irreverent to go outwards so I chose to spend my weekend...
by Nix@adm1n | Dec 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
If you have a cat or 2 or 3, then you *really* need to keep them happy- not just because it’s a good thing to do, but because there is a direct link to disease. Such as recurrent FLUTD ( Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease). There are many things to do for this...